Thursday, November 18, 2010

What to do with a free day? Play!!!!

Seems like November is just the most wonderful month so far as the kids have 6 glorious days off from school! Last weekend, which was 4 days long, we did a lot of reading, baking, jumping on the trampoline, running around and playing at the park. It was so nice to have happy and relaxed kids. My friend said it was like a little gift right before the rush of holiday cheer and etc. I agree.


Lindsay said...

I always loved November--in part because we got so many days off! It looks like you all had a blast doing a few of my favorite things and I can't wait to join you in a few days! PS--The licorice in Josh's hand and the hole in Ben's sock are so classic! Thanks for sharing Mom.

Danielle said...

After Lindsay's comment I had to take a special look for the hole in Ben's sock. HA! It sounds like you had a fun, relaxing vacation that sounds like your childhood summer ideal (tramp jumping, baking millions of cookies, etc). That is a great picture of Sadie. I can't believe how she's growing up.

amy said...

looks like fun!!!!

Russell said...

Cute family--Viv

Frazier Family said...

That jumping picture is so FUN!!