Thursday, September 17, 2009

Macho Nacho Night

One of the wonders of the Williams' home is the childrens (especially teenage ones) ability to quote corny lines from movies we watch together. One day we found two almost still teenagers that can totally bring it in the corny quote department! They "challenged us to a duel" and the "battle of wits" did in deed begin. We had met our match and to celebrate finding such a perfect match, we set our sights on viewing Nacho Libre together. Hence Macho Nacho Night was born. We invited a few friends to "join us in our quarters" for Nacho(s) and gathered our eagle powers with these

Then we watched the movie and practically turned off the sound and quoted the entire flick! We finished up the night with some cool wrestling moves, and a bit of Ninja! Yes that is part of Nacho night....if you are at the Williams' home.

Thanks to everyone who came and showed off their "signature moves." Even without the ruffle shirts parading around like PJ's we all were dancing and singing at this party.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Farewell Dear Friend

Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;
but you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog.

Douglas Mallock

Keiki passed yesterday, Saturday September 5, 2009. She was a good dog, a loyal friend and a beloved member of our family. We ALL will miss her.