Thursday, October 7, 2010

Family History (aka the longest photog post ever!)

This morning I am looking for anything to do besides the millions of things which are staring me down begging to be done. Like bowls caked with chili from last night, socks of every size and color longing to be reunited with their mates and tuck snuggily away in a drawer, mirrors splattered with specks of toothpaste, (ewww!) and yet I find my bottom in a familiar place, the chair in front of the computer. Shame on me!!!! My minutes are numbered! How can I squander them for things which are of no worth? But then I remember an old friend/nemesis....WILLIAMS' WONDERS. Certainly named such because we wonder what is up with the Williams since the blog never really stares at me begging to "be done." Well today I will not squander! I will do some family history, yes that's it! So for Lindsay's whom I dedicate this blog....I will post. Imagine my surprise to find a post with a 2010 date on it! Really? Wow, I am not as bad at this as I thought!

I will not attempt to go back where I left off, I fear that would cause my bottom and the chair to fuse. But I have been promising you, Lindsay, photos of our happenings since you returned to Provo, so here is a smattering of life missing you.

From high school life:

Facial hair day

Nerd Day

Sunny CA

Homecoming hallway helpers

Meeting Liberty:

Homecoming Night

Misc fun