Sunday, September 6, 2009

Farewell Dear Friend

Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;
but you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog.

Douglas Mallock

Keiki passed yesterday, Saturday September 5, 2009. She was a good dog, a loyal friend and a beloved member of our family. We ALL will miss her.


Danielle said...

I'm sad she won't be around anymore to help my kids get over their dog terror. I hope there are lots of little kids in dog heaven, spilling lots of choice bits for her to snap up.

Lauren said...

I'm sorry :( Hey you guys want another one? I know there is no replacement but we had the BEST dog (seriously, more obedient and loving than our own) follow us home from the park on Sunday. She has been sleeping at our door and following us ever since! I think it's meant to be, you should come get her :)