Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bonanza Graduate

Well kiddo you did it!

What a perfect day!
It was great having Sissy, Levi, Imelda and John here to party with us. You guys are the best! Lindsay was dignified and beautiful. Her speech was well spoken "Each of us has hidden talents simply waiting to be tapped into. They may be uncovered by signing up for the unexpected. Remember that you are in control of you-take the initiative to stretch yourself. Try that which is new, you may find yourself intrigued. The attitude that you entertain will have a heavy influence on the kind of experiences you have. Face new ideas, challenges, events, and so on with an open mind and those things that may have seemed beyond your reach at first are suddenly attainable. Now more than ever will we understand that we are responsible for those experiences we have. Take the plunge and make things happen! Don’t wait for something to happen to you. You have the capacity to bring about change- recognize it!"

We remain your biggest fans!


Danielle said...

What a smart, cute, articulate valedictorian. Lindsay is a superstar!!

Danielle said...

PS. I love your new blog title and subtitle.

janel said...

I had no idea we missed out on the VALEDICTORIAN!?! and a family party! We can't wait to get Lindsey up here!

Russell said...

Wow, that was a good talk. I got motivated my self when reading it. Way to go Lindz.--Viv

Russell said...

Hey Lorene you'd better take a prof. family photo before Lindsay leaves because who knows when it could happen again.--Viv