Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stephanie's True Loves

Stephanie loves to play her violin,
almost as much as she loves to kiss Joshie's chin.
The day is not complete with out the music she conquers
or with out time hugging the boy that she calls hers.
Both techno strings and acoustic she daily must play
"Joshie is just so cute," she daily must say!
To us she truly lives up her her name being such a JOY
We are blessed that our caboose is that cute little BOY!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Day of Rest

Last Sunday I was deeply suffering from some sleep deprivation shared by Myself, Sadie, Hannah & Josh. Convinced that a little sit still-ed-ness would bring an endowment of rest and a restoration of sanity, I put the girls in the car to "go for a drive." My contrived plan work within minutes.....for Hannah. However, after a half of a tank of gas and what little sanity I had left, Sadie was still fighting a surrender to dreamland. I arrived home downhearted and frustrated to this.......
Sam got a wild hair (probably from not being able to breathe the fresh air outside while pasing around a football like a 9 yr old boy. You remember how long that "day of rest" used to be? What kid likes to be told to REST anyways?) and decided to do a captain underpants/Nacho Libre/ weirdie Jose.
Seriously this guy had a little too much time on his hands. Don't you love the unibrow?(created by Stephanie). When I came in he did the strike a pose thing in his "stretchy pants"...
then asked me to "join him in his quarters this night for toast!" Nothing like a little "SAM" to bring the smile back to my face and give me a little perspective.

It should be noted that this is not the first time Sam & Steph have provided Sunday Comedy:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love and Lodging in Las Vegas

In honor of Valentine's Day
we dedicate this post to one of our most loved loves...


Here are a smattering of photos of guests
that have graced
our home over the past few weeks!

Eric warmed up and slept here during his training at "Frontsight."

Grandpa Williams, Nathan & Renee and family, and Miriam stopped by on their way to and from the Frontsight training.

Lucky for us they left Hannah at our house while they froze, er trained... YEA!
(We like to practice good dental hygiene).

Happy Homeowners
(sorry I caught you thinking about how luckily married you are Ben)

The Browns....Ben & Dawn and Baylie & Meg stopped by for a day in route to their NEW HOME!

Aunt Kate came over and brought lunch while she & John were in town for a convention. What a TREAT!

The "DEWS" and Jon came down over Martin Luther King weekend for Imelda's soccer tournament. We gave them the grand tour of our cool hotspots in town...not the least of which was IN-N-OUT!!!

The BOWS came...

twice within a week...because we are so fun!

If you don't believe it we dare you to come for a visit!

We also had a great time singing and punching each other out playing "the HULK" with Gary, Becky and Jon Frazier until we sort of got the flu (not something we ordinarily like to share with loved ones). We do regret we have no photos of that visit....however I think Becky snapped a few of our pathetic lot (before they left for sunny California and the "happiest place on earth" but we're not bitter.....or ANGRY hahaha)...so it is documented!

We LOVE visitors!

The fine print

We do provide pillows, though sometimes having your own makes for a better nights' sleep.
Sometimes earplugs are recommended, not only at night.

Monday night is always soup night.
You may want to pack some long pants because even if you are coming here to "thaw out" it does get a little chilly sometimes Oct-March.
And please give us 10 minutes notice so we can tidy the shoe and backpack pileup by the front door.