Thursday, May 7, 2009

Biggest Loser

Many of my fans have been wondering how I am doing on the biggest loser contest. I started off strong! I did the no carb thing and was rockin"! Then I hired a personal trainer (well I use the term hired loosely, Janel's sister rocks as the most disciplined little momma in existence. She walks every day and on the days that she thinks that I might be up and dressed she invites me to go along. As for payment okay, there really isn't any.) and so it would seem that you all should be shankin' in yer boots. So to let you know where I am I would like you to take a peek, witholding offense and judgement, at THIS!


janel said...

Yey, I feel so famous to be referred to...even if it is only for my family connections! (Like the Brother of Jared.) Maybe I'll offer to be Danielle's (personal trainer) agent. And then maybe she'll give ME some lessons in discipline. Until then, we can sing Weird Al together. When Mark first showed me a Weird Al collection of clips all I could think was that it reminded me of something John would do.

Danielle said...

HA, okay I am extremely flattered! Except I think I am not quite so disciplined as you made me sound... having only gone like one time more than the other times with you. You pay me by letting me mooch food at your house.