Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reading girl

Last night I was reading to Sadie when she said she wanted to read to me. Right on! Now I could doze and she could read. I am loving this arrangement. So she started to read to me.....the words! Next we read to Dad (I think I saw a tear, he is not sure he wants his "baby" to grow up) and then to Lindsay. Sadie would have read her book to everyone if they were up! She woke up this morning saying "I'm a reading girl!" Before he barley had his eyes open she read her book to Sam and then to Josh (several times and in every location in the house).
It is cute and it brings to mind a little rhyme;

I can read! Wow look at me.
I know what this word must be.

Now I can read this whole book.
Sit by me and take a look.

I can read it to my dad,
I think reading is quite rad.

I have read it to my sis,
And my brother I won't miss.

I can read! Wow look at me,
I can read it in a tree.

I am now a "Reading Girl"
Books show me a whole new World!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Isn't this the cutest little Meg ever!!!

Meg has the cutest little face I love her! Steph captured this when she was here on Easter.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Bunnies

I found these little bunny pops and thought they were hilarious! The kids were good sports to pose for me and after about 150 shots I got these. We love our Bunnies!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Something Beautiful called Tollipop

Check out my friend's blog Tollipop it is her 1st anniversary. This blog is one of my addictions, and a great escape. Kirsten is so clever and talented. Reading her stories and looking at her paintings and photography inspire me and transport me to a carefree life of beauty and serenity. She does a drawing every so often for artwork. All you have to do is make a comment( a tall order for me, I am speaking "toddler" and really have to stretch for an intelligent tidbit in the dark corners of the grown up section of my brain. ;) Anyways, go to the pink link above or