Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Congrats to us (aka Mom's Bragging Rights)

I am the mom. I get to brag. I am so excited about the things that are happening around here! When I burst at the buttons, things end up on the blog.....

Lindsay was officially accepted to BYU! She is amazing!

Ben made the Freshman Volleyball Team! He can jump!

Stephanie was named student of the month Yea! She's so smart!

Sam finally started practicing with an organized football team, he's only waited his whole life for this!! Go Broncos!

Sadie started a little painting class with our friend Jacob. It's fun!

Joshie is finding his voice, not only in words, but songs. His favorite is a toss up between the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.


janel said...

Wow, what a talented family! I am excited for Lindsey to come to Utah! And I wish Sage were there to take the painting class with Jacob and Sadie.

Russell said...

Awesome family. I wish I could go to BYU again. Hey, we miss you all. --VIV

Kris Brown said...

Congratulations on your children's acheivements! Means they have a great mom! You should be proud.
Love you, Kris