Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Creative Creativity

I loved the RS broadcast last weekend. I loved the thoughts about creativity. I have been thinking a lot about what I create and have found something that really deserves a spot on the blogspot. Over the years I have become very creative when it comes to doing laundry. Most of the creativity has been in the area laundry storage during the laundering process. When I was growing up, I remember the washing machine and dryer in the basement. I also remember great mounds of soiled laundry produced by 10 people in front of the cleaning units. My mom is a laundry goddess. She was a whiz at getting out grass stains, grease stains, all stains in fact. Every item hanging in our closets was pressed. The laundry in our drawers arrived there meticulously folded. (I don’t know if it always stayed folded that, of course, depended on the owner of the dresser). I also remember mom sitting on the couch folding laundry. What I don’t remember is laundry clean or dirty, folded or pressed, out in view. It was only visible during the brief folding process…(when the clothes were still warm by the way). Some things we do just like our mothers, some things don’t, but a plan for the laundry was never something I considered. After being on my own for almost EVER these are the things I understand about my life as a laundress. I didn’t get the basement for the washer and dryer or the Laundry goddess gene or the ability to make the laundry virtually invisible. What I did get is the creativity thing. I have piled laundry on every inch of my floor, top and bottom floors. It has rested, yes sometimes down right NAPPED, on my couches (all three), beds, tables, and counters. It travels, (sometimes nightly for a week UGH!) from bed to ironing board and back to the bed in the morning. (That ole, “if it is on the bed, we won’t go to sleep until it is taken care of” thing just doesn’t fly.) It has even made it’s way to my freezer (it was clean laundry…but nothing beats a cold kid-blankey in the summer desert heat!) I have to admit that I have never put laundry in my oven or car….okay, I have put it in my car, but that was after a road trip so it can’t really count. But the best place so far that my laundry resides during the “process” is in Joshie’s crib!!!

It seems to be just the right size to hold exactly half of the week’s clean laundry. And no, it doesn’t live there for the whole week….usually er mostly er sometimes!


amy said...

lorene, you TOTALLY stole my creativity story!!! :) love this, it's so my house that i seriously could have written it. i have heard many a time about the great laundering talents of your have no idea the good it does my heart to see that her daughter didn't get it! :) ha ha love you tons, i should post some of my laundry pics, they are very similar to yours...
love you!

Brownies said...

Oh, I'm so glad I checked your blog today to read this! Ben and I were laughing just last night about how I make our bathroom my second closet. I leave all my clothes in there! He said, "a walk-in closet isn't enough for you I guess..."